From time to time a vehicle may be fitted with seats out of the ordinary, or the options available may be too difficult to work out unless you're a seat-aholic! So, we may ask you to send photos for our Pattern Team to look over so we are confident the covers we send to you will fit, the first time.
Here are a few tips and tricks so you can take some great photos that allow us to easily and quickly work out what you need:
- If possible park the vehicle in full shade to avoid harsh shadows on the interior
- Remove any existing covers, towels or plastic from the seats
- Take your photos with the doors wide open. Sometimes it can work well to take the photo through the window (with the window down of course!).
- The photos should show the entire seat from the floor to the headrest. Include the passenger seat in the background when photographing the driver's seat. Also ensure the top surface of the seat base cushion is visible.
- Photos of special features need to be accompanied by a full seat photo to allow for perspective.
- Photos need to be well-focused and exposed. Excessively light or dark photos are difficult to use for seat identification.
- A step ladder may be required when photographing trucks and machinery
- A photograph of the build plate or seat identification plates can be helpful
- All seat make and model number info and details of any special features are helpful in the case of a truck, bus and machinery seats. Vehicle make, model and year should accompany all photographs.